Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another blow to the park warden servive from the idiots in Ottawa !

Canada's iconic warden service 'gutted'
By Cathy Ellis - Rocky Mountain Outlook - July 31, 2008

Canada's warden service - an iconic institution due to celebrate its 100th anniversary of protecting our national parks next year - may be on the brink of extinction.
The federal government is creating a new 100-member armed law enforcement branch for the country's 42 national parks, at an initial cost of $12 million, to do the work historically done by about 440 national park wardens trained by police. Wardens have been stripped of their uniform - the traditional green-and-khaki clothing and famed Stetson-style hats - and a national committee is now investigating whether the traditional guardians of the park will continue to carry the 'warden' title. Park wardens are not permitted to talk to the media on park policy, but retired employees say the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the creation of the new, armed law enforcement group may spell disaster for the century-old warden service

A recent email from smokey the bear on this topic :
Oh this is sad news for all of Canada indeed . The warden servive is every bit as necessary as the
police , if not more , in our parks . It's very sad that the federal government in Canada has to cut out such a needed service . The federal government has wasted , stolen and lost billions in the last few years and these are the tatics that are empolyed in order to find monies to further fund their corruption . It is up to the citizens of Canada to change this NOW ! Our park wardens should have all the support and funding available , always !
Plan :
Provide the wardens with the necessary tools to police the parks much the same as our RCMP does . Allow radar to prevent speeding and a fine system that is able to fund the warden service properly . The speeding problem in the mountain parks alone would generate enough funding to support the warden service entirely ! The wardens should be armed , should have housing , uniforms designed by the service , adequate vehicles and complete law enforcement
power as the RCMP does . PLAIN AND SIMPLE ! Any less is a disservice to Canada !

The loudest most annoying bird in Alberta !

The magpie is a very talkative bird . Whatever they talk about they say it alot !

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Canmore folk festival in full swing ... but it's cold.. and a few too many pests .

Cold weather seems to be part of this years festival . Dress warm and you'll do just fine .

Why isn't this banned at the festival ?
Irritating groups of mountain gangster types seem to be multiplying !
They greyhound bus beheading cannibal should be employed for festival security .

BVIG - Photos of the day

There is apparently a cougar in this photo .. can you spot it ?

Friday, August 1, 2008

BVIG Photo of the day -

Francis Cooke Landfill ... BVIG statement re:

BVIG wishes to make the following statement :

It has been brought to our attention that the problems associated with the landfill are a direct result of upper management . The " workers " at the landfill just follow orders and are no way connected with the " politics " involved with this operation . BVIG has had emails stating that the employees of the landfill are very informative , friendly and well groomed ... odd statement for a dump .... but hey !
It has been stated that the problems have been an issue for years due to a lack of involvement and knowledge concerning upper level management . Their main objective is to project success & a profit margin in a deceptive manner . As a result of this , the landfill is underfunded , understaffed and is in dire need of necessary operating equipment in order to achieve it's " claimed " recycling objectives . Most senior level management staff have never even set foot in the landfill , nor have the proper understanding to govern if they did . The issues have become worse since the recent addition of the interm director . It seems this individual is " along for the ride " and is often absent from the landfill and spends accessive time indulgding in personal interests rather than doing his PAID job . It has been brought to the attention of BVIG that this individual has absolutely no leadership skills , refuses to listen to advice from staff , vanishes for long periods of time to " meetings " ( are they documented ) ?? , works on personal projects at the landfill while on tax payer payroll . ( In all fairness perhaps this individual has just given up trying to reason with those above him ) . Several email " notes " have come in concerning this subject and the goings on at the landfill etc . As tempting as it is to post these ... we have promised confidence at all costs . This policy allows us the ability to implement positive change via information . Mission accomplished .

More related information & photos can be found @ which was our temporary site during a shut down . This shut down was a result of a content review involving this addresed site after a complaint via email was filed . This complaint was found to be unjustified . I guess we hit a nerve ! Our objective is not the be shit disturbers ... it's to correct the wrong and to make a negative into a positive . TO MAKE THINGS AS THEY SHOULD BE ! DONE RIGHT & HONESTLY !

Francis Cooke Landfill updates ............

It appers that change is slowly underway at the landfill . Images below illustrate the before and after :


Below image , altough difficult to see , illustrates the area totally enclosed at the rear with more fence structures . The area seems cleaned up and the road is somewhat improved . A large image is available via email request @
Earth is being piled around also, in hopes to keep material from blowing out .