Thursday, July 31, 2008

BVIG back and running !!! Francis Cooke Landfill update

As pictured above there is nothing preventing garbage from blowing out of this landfill .

According to sources : it seems the powers that be had several of these fence like structures
( pictured above ) positioned all around the main dumping area this week . Finally some sensible action .. it's just too bad it takes a public website with questions and photos to get someone moving . Shame , shame .
We will keep you posted on this whole situation & hopefully get some updated photos Saturday - weather permitting .
Hopefully the information brought forth in the last week will put a match under their asses and get this landfill " resource recover centre " legitimate and operating the way it claims to be . They have ignored all requests for comment which is the typical government response when faced with any type of situation which makes them look stunned . Once the BS meetings on this situation are over perhaps things will s l o w l y shape up . We'll keep readers posted weekly .

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