Friday, August 1, 2008

Francis Cooke Landfill ... BVIG statement re:

BVIG wishes to make the following statement :

It has been brought to our attention that the problems associated with the landfill are a direct result of upper management . The " workers " at the landfill just follow orders and are no way connected with the " politics " involved with this operation . BVIG has had emails stating that the employees of the landfill are very informative , friendly and well groomed ... odd statement for a dump .... but hey !
It has been stated that the problems have been an issue for years due to a lack of involvement and knowledge concerning upper level management . Their main objective is to project success & a profit margin in a deceptive manner . As a result of this , the landfill is underfunded , understaffed and is in dire need of necessary operating equipment in order to achieve it's " claimed " recycling objectives . Most senior level management staff have never even set foot in the landfill , nor have the proper understanding to govern if they did . The issues have become worse since the recent addition of the interm director . It seems this individual is " along for the ride " and is often absent from the landfill and spends accessive time indulgding in personal interests rather than doing his PAID job . It has been brought to the attention of BVIG that this individual has absolutely no leadership skills , refuses to listen to advice from staff , vanishes for long periods of time to " meetings " ( are they documented ) ?? , works on personal projects at the landfill while on tax payer payroll . ( In all fairness perhaps this individual has just given up trying to reason with those above him ) . Several email " notes " have come in concerning this subject and the goings on at the landfill etc . As tempting as it is to post these ... we have promised confidence at all costs . This policy allows us the ability to implement positive change via information . Mission accomplished .

More related information & photos can be found @ which was our temporary site during a shut down . This shut down was a result of a content review involving this addresed site after a complaint via email was filed . This complaint was found to be unjustified . I guess we hit a nerve ! Our objective is not the be shit disturbers ... it's to correct the wrong and to make a negative into a positive . TO MAKE THINGS AS THEY SHOULD BE ! DONE RIGHT & HONESTLY !

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