Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another blow to the park warden servive from the idiots in Ottawa !

Canada's iconic warden service 'gutted'
By Cathy Ellis - Rocky Mountain Outlook - July 31, 2008

Canada's warden service - an iconic institution due to celebrate its 100th anniversary of protecting our national parks next year - may be on the brink of extinction.
The federal government is creating a new 100-member armed law enforcement branch for the country's 42 national parks, at an initial cost of $12 million, to do the work historically done by about 440 national park wardens trained by police. Wardens have been stripped of their uniform - the traditional green-and-khaki clothing and famed Stetson-style hats - and a national committee is now investigating whether the traditional guardians of the park will continue to carry the 'warden' title. Park wardens are not permitted to talk to the media on park policy, but retired employees say the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the creation of the new, armed law enforcement group may spell disaster for the century-old warden service

A recent email from smokey the bear on this topic :
Oh this is sad news for all of Canada indeed . The warden servive is every bit as necessary as the
police , if not more , in our parks . It's very sad that the federal government in Canada has to cut out such a needed service . The federal government has wasted , stolen and lost billions in the last few years and these are the tatics that are empolyed in order to find monies to further fund their corruption . It is up to the citizens of Canada to change this NOW ! Our park wardens should have all the support and funding available , always !
Plan :
Provide the wardens with the necessary tools to police the parks much the same as our RCMP does . Allow radar to prevent speeding and a fine system that is able to fund the warden service properly . The speeding problem in the mountain parks alone would generate enough funding to support the warden service entirely ! The wardens should be armed , should have housing , uniforms designed by the service , adequate vehicles and complete law enforcement
power as the RCMP does . PLAIN AND SIMPLE ! Any less is a disservice to Canada !

The loudest most annoying bird in Alberta !

The magpie is a very talkative bird . Whatever they talk about they say it alot !

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Canmore folk festival in full swing ... but it's cold.. and a few too many pests .

Cold weather seems to be part of this years festival . Dress warm and you'll do just fine .

Why isn't this banned at the festival ?
Irritating groups of mountain gangster types seem to be multiplying !
They greyhound bus beheading cannibal should be employed for festival security .

BVIG - Photos of the day

There is apparently a cougar in this photo .. can you spot it ?

Friday, August 1, 2008

BVIG Photo of the day -

Francis Cooke Landfill ... BVIG statement re:

BVIG wishes to make the following statement :

It has been brought to our attention that the problems associated with the landfill are a direct result of upper management . The " workers " at the landfill just follow orders and are no way connected with the " politics " involved with this operation . BVIG has had emails stating that the employees of the landfill are very informative , friendly and well groomed ... odd statement for a dump .... but hey !
It has been stated that the problems have been an issue for years due to a lack of involvement and knowledge concerning upper level management . Their main objective is to project success & a profit margin in a deceptive manner . As a result of this , the landfill is underfunded , understaffed and is in dire need of necessary operating equipment in order to achieve it's " claimed " recycling objectives . Most senior level management staff have never even set foot in the landfill , nor have the proper understanding to govern if they did . The issues have become worse since the recent addition of the interm director . It seems this individual is " along for the ride " and is often absent from the landfill and spends accessive time indulgding in personal interests rather than doing his PAID job . It has been brought to the attention of BVIG that this individual has absolutely no leadership skills , refuses to listen to advice from staff , vanishes for long periods of time to " meetings " ( are they documented ) ?? , works on personal projects at the landfill while on tax payer payroll . ( In all fairness perhaps this individual has just given up trying to reason with those above him ) . Several email " notes " have come in concerning this subject and the goings on at the landfill etc . As tempting as it is to post these ... we have promised confidence at all costs . This policy allows us the ability to implement positive change via information . Mission accomplished .

More related information & photos can be found @ which was our temporary site during a shut down . This shut down was a result of a content review involving this addresed site after a complaint via email was filed . This complaint was found to be unjustified . I guess we hit a nerve ! Our objective is not the be shit disturbers ... it's to correct the wrong and to make a negative into a positive . TO MAKE THINGS AS THEY SHOULD BE ! DONE RIGHT & HONESTLY !

Francis Cooke Landfill updates ............

It appers that change is slowly underway at the landfill . Images below illustrate the before and after :


Below image , altough difficult to see , illustrates the area totally enclosed at the rear with more fence structures . The area seems cleaned up and the road is somewhat improved . A large image is available via email request @
Earth is being piled around also, in hopes to keep material from blowing out .

Thursday, July 31, 2008

BVIG - Photos of the day

The Exshaw Heart Mountain store for sale .........

Heart Mountain Store and servicePrice: $2,100,000Size: ·Building 3328 sf on 2 lots tolal 23,433 sf landLand 23,433 sf, Building 3328 sf plus successful business; Great growth potential!

$ 2,100,000 WOW ! Maybe this price includes a two million dollar cupon for upgrades .
Hopefully this won't end up torn down . We need something convient in Exshaw .

BVIG back and running !!! Francis Cooke Landfill update

As pictured above there is nothing preventing garbage from blowing out of this landfill .

According to sources : it seems the powers that be had several of these fence like structures
( pictured above ) positioned all around the main dumping area this week . Finally some sensible action .. it's just too bad it takes a public website with questions and photos to get someone moving . Shame , shame .
We will keep you posted on this whole situation & hopefully get some updated photos Saturday - weather permitting .
Hopefully the information brought forth in the last week will put a match under their asses and get this landfill " resource recover centre " legitimate and operating the way it claims to be . They have ignored all requests for comment which is the typical government response when faced with any type of situation which makes them look stunned . Once the BS meetings on this situation are over perhaps things will s l o w l y shape up . We'll keep readers posted weekly .

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Banff Refreshing Party & Concert .... but what happened to the huge Canadian Bands they were supposed to get ?

Banff gears up for giant party
Posted By Matthew Timmins
Updated 1 hour ago
By Matthew Timmins
Town investment: $100,000. Banff Lake Louise tourism: $30,000. Cash sponsorships: $15,000. Media value sponsorships: $70,000. Four Canadian bands playing on Banff Ave to in an area set to hold 30,000 people: Priceless.
That’s the price Banffites and visitors will have to pay on August 21 to see Ron Sexsmith, Joel Plaskett Emergency, K-Os and Theory of a Deadman for the Banff Refreshing Party. But even though the date is set for less than a month away, the town of Banff and everyone involved still have a long way to go.


BVIG : Theory of a Deadman ?? A nickleback coverband and a few other D-listers .. this is the major Canadian famous bands that cost so much ? This must be a practical joke . Maybe Trooper and Glass Tiger weren't available . It's hard to believe these bands could cost so much . They should pay the town of Banff for the exposure ! Maybe the town should have saved the money and put on street party featuring local talent and throw a few fireworks into the mix . The money saved could have boosted this footbridge project . That would make economical sense though . We can't have that , especially in government . Ahh maybe it'll rain .

Guess the bands above were busy !

BVIG Photos of the day .

Monday, July 28, 2008

Banff garbage can patrol .. good , bad & ugly !

Garbage cans in Banff Sunday afternoon .

Bears alive and well in Banff .. BVIG photos of the day

BowValleyWasteManagementCommission & The Francis Cooke Landfill

Canmore recycle center where cans originate from

Huge pile of concrete

Paint and varnished wood waiting to become mulch

Odd mangled structures designed to trap blowing garbage

a few seconds of digging and the hundreds of cans are exposed .

The above images illustrate what is stated below .

BVIG : One of our readers submitted these photos after a weekend outing at our local landfill ( Francis cooke ) in Exshaw . She was appauled at the misconception of the Bow Valley Waste Management Commission and our municipalities . I suppose she expected to to drop off her material and have it recycled instantly .. well of course not ! Be realistic . She certainly didn't expect to see no one working at the landfill except a young girl at the entrance office . The town of Canmore drops off aluminum cans ( thousands ) weekly at the landfill . Thinking they will be recycled ?? Who knows . As of Saturday thousands of aluminum cans were buried & semi buried into the ground at the landfill. ( pictured above ) . Free mulch and woodchips are yours for the taking Bow Valley ! Look what recycling does ! Little do most of us know the chips contain toxic paint and varnish chips in large quantaties . How can this be overlooked ??? No wonder the free pile is so huge !
The concrete pile and ashphalt recycle heap were shocking also , especially after a recent Rocky Mountain Outlook story featured comments by the director of the commission Darcy Edison claimming the landfill recycled almost 100% ! etc , etc ... ??? garbage blowing out of the landfill and into trees only added to the disgust . Additional photos available .
Where is this material supposed to go , when and for what ???
BVIG will be looking into this more ... keep you posted . Anyone wanting larger more defined images email us at

Wild night for RCMP in Bow Valley

Couple face carjacking, robbery charges after chase closes Banff roads
Calgary Herald
Published: Monday, July 28, 2008 CALGARY - It started with a gas station robbery in Canmore early Monday morning and ended one police pursuit, one carjacking, one attempted carjacking and three hours later. Police said numerous charges will be filed against a 35 year old man and 21 year old woman for a crime spree that started when they robbed the Fas Gas in Canmore with a gun around 2 AM Monday. Banff police spotted their car and started pursuit on the Trans Canada Highway. A spike belt succeeded in deflating the tires on the suspects' vehicle but it continued to roll on its rims to the Sunshine overpass where it crossed the median and went the wrong way in the eastbound lanes, police said. The suspects then forced an SUV to the side of the road and carjacked the vehicle at gun point. They then continued eastbound but then tried, and failed, to carjack a semi-truck unit traveling back West, police said. The couple then ran into the woods, leading police to close local highways and call for help from other agencies. Around 5 AM, the suspects came out of the bush and were arrested without incident, police said. Neither suspect was injured but both were taken to the Banff Mineral Springs Hospital for treatment of minor hyperthermia and what police called, mentalhealth concerns.

BVIG ( uncut version )
Local resident indicated a much more dramatic and serious situation . Lake Louise , Banff and Canmore detatchments were involved in this psycho spree . At times the officers involved couldn't see the armed suspect due to their own ( RCMP ) headlights . This insued panic that could be heard in their voices . At times the armed criminal used his girlfriend as a hostage holding a gun to her head , at the time unknown to the officers was her true identity , this made the situation downright wacky . Adding to the meylee the armed suspect pointed the gun at police & motorists while yelling & cursing until the roads were eventually blocked from the Banff Park gates west to Castle Junction . A few motorists managed to slip through into the middle of the situation via the 1A because the RCMP we unable to block this due to lack of staff etc . This was cause for concern as the armed robber was then in the position to carjack yet again . United Towing also had a truck between the RCMP and the armed man for a few tense moments , Apparently the tow truck had been called in to deal with the getaway vehicle after it had been disabled . The canine units were on call along with STARS and the Calgary SWAT team . Quite a dramatic and stressful night for the local RCMP .
Why is it that local radio and other media never seem to get the story first ?
Global TV Calgary is covering the story , Galgary Sun & 660 AM news Calgary .